Our Story

After a 2018 cold November perfect morning in the duck blind with just a couple of boys shooting their wood duck limit in the first half hour into shooting time in southern Illinois. They headed back to an old dairy cow barn that is known as the 'Parlor' where they kick back and relaxed in a small 10X8 room with a propane tank heater after a great hunt watching old waterfowl hunting on VHS tapes from before they were born. They discussed where hunting is going and how it is being poorly portrayed across modern society through social media and word of mouth. There are all these pro-hunting pages, companies, and YouTubers, to further create a positive light on what hunting & conservation is all about. They figured, why not us too?

That became Whitetails & Waterfowl

Hunting gets a bad reputation in the media spotlight as cruel and inhumane but that is not at all what hunting is about. Hunters also get portrayed as "unintelligent rednecks" and other derogatory terms by society. However, hunting is not only a crucial and necessary part of conservation to ensure protection of many wildlife species, every time you walk out to the duck blind or the tree stand you make memories. Hunting isn't about the amount of animals you harvest, how many times you shoot, or a contest of who can kill the most ducks or the biggest buck. Hunting is also being flooded with that type of mentality and it's being lost what hunting is all about. Memories with the ones you care about that will last with you for a lifetime and watch God's creation come to life. This is why we do what we do! 

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